

cookPreparation of food

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water and dry with paper towel or a clean cloth before preparing food.

  • Keep benches and utensils clean by using a clean cloth and hot, soapy water.

  • Use paper towel to wipe up spills/crumbs that contain the food allergen.

  • Make sure chopping boards are cleaned well in hot soapy water.  You may choose to have a separate coloured chopping board for food prepared for the person with food allergy.

  • Adapt meals to be suitable for all family members. If this isn’t possible, prepare allergen free meals first with clean equipment and utensils.

Serving food

  • Serve the meal for the person with food allergy first to avoid mistakes.

  • Educate family members and visitors not to share food and drinks.

  • Consider using a coloured plate or cup for the child with food allergy so there is less of a risk of children taking the wrong meal. This is especially helpful for some families who have multiple children with different food allergies.

Food Preparation

These short practical videos are part of a series developed to help you to choose, store and prepare foods if you or a family member or friend has a food allergy.

Cross contamination

Separation of time and space

Content updated October 2021